Is it Expensive to Live in Boise Idaho?

Living in Boise, Idaho can be quite expensive depending on your lifestyle and where you choose to live. The cost of living in Boise is higher than the national average, with housing costs being the main contributor. The median home price in Boise is $312,500, which is higher than the national average of $216,000. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Boise is $1,000 per month, and utilities such as electricity, water, and garbage can cost around $200 per month.

Food costs in Boise are slightly higher than the national average, with an average family of four spending around $800 per month on groceries. Eating out can also be expensive, with the average meal costing around $20.

Transportation costs in Boise are lower than the national average, with an average gallon of gas costing around $2.50 and public transportation costing around $2 per ride.

The cost of healthcare in Boise is slightly higher than the national average, with an average visit to a doctor costing around $100. Health insurance premiums can be expensive, with an average monthly cost of around $400.

Overall, living in Boise can be expensive, especially when it comes to housing costs. However, with careful budgeting and lifestyle choices, it is possible to live comfortably in Boise without breaking the bank.


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