How Much Do Teachers Make in Boise, Idaho?
Teachers in Boise, Idaho make a range of salaries depending on their experience and qualifications. According to the Boise School District, the starting salary for a teacher with a Bachelor’s degree is $37,964. With a Master’s degree, the starting salary increases to $43,082.
In addition to the base salary, teachers in Boise, Idaho may be eligible for additional pay based on their experience, education, and certifications. For example, teachers with National Board Certification may receive an additional $2,000 per year. Teachers with a doctoral degree may also receive an additional $2,000.
Teachers in Boise, Idaho may also receive additional pay for working in hard-to-staff areas. The Boise School District offers a Hard-to-Staff Stipend of $2,000 for teachers in certain areas, such as bilingual education, special education, and math and science.
Teachers in Boise, Idaho may also receive a stipend for participating in professional development activities. The Boise School District offers a Professional Development Stipend of $500 to teachers who complete approved activities.
Finally, teachers in Boise, Idaho may also receive additional pay for coaching or sponsoring extracurricular activities. The Boise School District offers an Activity Stipend of $2,000 for teachers who serve as coaches or sponsors.
In summary, teachers in Boise, Idaho may receive a range of salaries and stipends depending on their experience, qualifications, and activities. With a Bachelor’s degree, the starting salary is $37,964. With additional experience, education, certifications, and activities, teachers may receive additional pay.