How Far is it to Meridian, Idaho?

Meridian, Idaho is a city located in Ada County, Idaho. The city is located approximately 13 miles west of Boise, the capital of Idaho. The total distance from Boise to Meridian is about 15 miles.

Calculating the Distance to Meridian

The easiest way to calculate the distance from your location to Meridian is to use a mapping service such as Google Maps. Simply enter your starting location and end destination (Meridian) and it will provide you with the total distance between the two points.

Driving Directions to Meridian

If you need driving directions to Meridian, you can also use Google Maps. Simply enter your starting location, then enter Meridian as your destination and click on the “Directions” button. Google Maps will then provide you with step-by-step driving instructions to get you to your destination.

Other Travel Options to Meridian

In addition to driving, there are several other ways to get to Meridian. Public transportation is available through ValleyRide, which offers bus routes throughout the Boise metropolitan area. You can also take an Uber or Lyft to get to Meridian.


Meridian, Idaho is located approximately 15 miles from Boise. The easiest way to calculate the distance from your location to Meridian is to use a mapping service such as Google Maps. Additionally, there are several other ways to get to Meridian, including public transportation, Uber, and Lyft.

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