Distance to Meridian Idaho

Meridian Idaho is located in the northwestern region of the United States, just south of Boise. The distance from Boise to Meridian is approximately 11 miles. To get to Meridian from Boise, you will take Interstate 84 east and then take Exit 44 to merge onto Chinden Boulevard. Once on Chinden Boulevard, you will continue east for approximately five miles and then make a left turn onto Eagle Road. Eagle Road will take you directly into the city of Meridian.

If you are driving from other states, the closest major airport is the Boise Airport, which is located just 11 miles north of Meridian. The Boise Airport offers direct flights to many major cities throughout the United States. From the Boise Airport, you can take a taxi, Uber, or Lyft to get to Meridian. Additionally, there are several car rental companies available at the airport.

In addition to driving, you can also take the bus to get to Meridian. The Valley Regional Transit bus system offers several routes that go from Boise to Meridian and surrounding cities. The bus fare is $1.50 per ride and the buses run every hour.

If you are looking for a more scenic route to Meridian, you can take the Boise River Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is a 25-mile-long path that runs along the Boise River and connects Boise and Meridian. The path is paved and is a great way to get to Meridian while enjoying the beauty of nature.

No matter how you choose to get to Meridian, you will be able to experience the beauty and charm of this unique Idaho city. From the many outdoor activities to the vibrant downtown area, Meridian is a great place to visit and explore.

Click Here to View a Map of the Route from Boise to Meridian

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