What is the Cost of Living in Boise, Idaho?

The cost of living in Boise, Idaho, varies depending on where you live, what kind of lifestyle you have, and how much you earn. According to the Best Places Network, the overall cost of living in Boise is slightly below the national average. The cost of living index is 92.7, compared to the national average of 100. This means that living in Boise is 7.3% cheaper than the average cost of living in the United States.

The largest factor that affects the cost of living in Boise is housing. The median home cost in Boise is $258,900, which is significantly higher than the national median of $184,700. The median rent in Boise is also higher than the national average, at $1,094 compared to $949. If you plan to buy a home in Boise, you will need to budget for a larger down payment than you would elsewhere.

The cost of living in Boise is also affected by the cost of food, transportation, and other necessities. Groceries in Boise are slightly more expensive than the national average, with an index of 99.3 compared to the national average of 100. Transportation costs are slightly lower than the national average, with an index of 92.9 compared to the national average of 100. Utility costs in Boise are also slightly lower than the national average, with an index of 95.4 compared to the national average of 100.

Overall, the cost of living in Boise is slightly lower than the national average. However, the cost of housing is significantly higher than the national average, so if you plan to buy a home in Boise, you should budget accordingly. The cost of other necessities, such as food and transportation, is slightly higher or lower than the national average.

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