What Time Zone Is Meridian Idaho In?

Meridian, Idaho is located in the Pacific Time Zone. The exact time zone boundary is located at the 107th meridian west of Greenwich, England. This means that Meridian, Idaho is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-8). The Pacific Time Zone includes a number of states in the western United States, including California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho.

The Pacific Time Zone is also known as the “Mountain Time Zone” in some areas. This is because it includes all of the Mountain states in the western United States, including Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. In addition, the Pacific Time Zone also includes parts of Canada, including British Columbia and Alberta.

In Meridian, Idaho, the time changes twice each year. During Daylight Savings Time, the time is adjusted one hour forward. This means that the time in Meridian is 7 hours behind GMT during Daylight Savings Time. The clocks are adjusted back one hour in the fall, when Daylight Savings Time ends, and Meridian is then 8 hours behind GMT.

The Pacific Time Zone is also used in Hawaii, and parts of Mexico and Central America. In these areas, the time is usually adjusted one hour differently than other parts of the Pacific Time Zone. For example, in Mexico, the time is usually one hour ahead of the time in the United States.

Meridian, Idaho follows the Pacific Time Zone and is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-8). During Daylight Savings Time, the time is adjusted one hour forward, and Meridian, Idaho is then 7 hours behind GMT. The Pacific Time Zone is also used in Hawaii, Mexico, and parts of Central America.


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