What is the Zip Code for Meridian, Idaho?

The zip code for Meridian, Idaho is 83642. This zip code covers the city of Meridian, as well as parts of Boise and Eagle. It is located in Ada County and is the second largest zip code in the state.

Meridian is the third largest city in Idaho, with a population of over 92,000 people. It is located just west of Boise and is considered to be one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. The city is home to many businesses and organizations, including the Idaho Center for Advanced Technology, the Idaho Science and Technology Park, and the Meridian Speedway.

The zip code is important for businesses and residents alike, as it allows them to receive mail and other services. It is also used by the United States Postal Service to ensure that mail is delivered efficiently.

The zip code also helps businesses and organizations determine what services they can offer to their customers. For example, businesses that offer financial services will often use the zip code to determine the area in which they can operate. Additionally, the zip code is used to determine the area in which certain services are available, such as cable and internet providers.

Meridian is a great place to live and work, and its zip code is an important part of its success. By using the zip code, businesses and residents can make sure they are getting the best services possible.
Learn more about the zip codes of Meridian, Idaho here.

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