What is the Elevation of Meridian Idaho?

Meridian, Idaho is located at an elevation of 2,831 feet (863 m) above sea level. This is just slightly lower than the state capital of Boise, which has an elevation of 2,842 feet (865 m). The elevation of Meridian is also lower than the highest point in the state, Borah Peak, which has an elevation of 12,662 feet (3,863 m).

The elevation of Meridian, Idaho is considered to be at a moderate level. This is because the elevation is high enough to provide cooler temperatures than lower-lying areas, but not so high that it can cause health complications associated with high altitudes. In fact, the elevation of Meridian is well within the range of elevations that are considered to be safe for most people.

The elevation of Meridian, Idaho also has an impact on the climate of the area. Because of the moderate elevation, the city experiences a continental climate with four distinct seasons. Winters are cold and snowy, while summers are warm and dry. The average annual temperature in Meridian is 44°F (7°C).

The elevation of Meridian, Idaho also has an effect on the amount of precipitation the area receives. The city receives an average of 14 inches (35 cm) of precipitation each year. This is slightly higher than the national average, but still considered to be relatively low.

The elevation of Meridian, Idaho is also important for recreational activities. The city is located close to many outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and skiing. The moderate elevation allows for activities such as hiking and camping to be comfortable year-round. The city also has a ski resort located just outside of town, which is popular during the winter months.

The elevation of Meridian, Idaho is important to take into consideration when planning a visit. Whether you are looking for a relaxing getaway or an outdoor adventure, the elevation of Meridian is sure to provide an enjoyable experience.

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