Is Boise Idaho Pacific Time?

Boise, Idaho is located in the Pacific Time Zone. This means that the city follows the same time as other cities in the Pacific Time Zone, including Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

The Pacific Time Zone is seven hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This means that when it is 12:00 PM UTC, it is 5:00 AM in the Pacific Time Zone.

In the summer, the Pacific Time Zone follows Daylight Saving Time, which means that the time is shifted by one hour. During Daylight Saving Time, the time in the Pacific Time Zone is six hours behind UTC. This means that when it is 12:00 PM UTC, it is 6:00 AM in the Pacific Time Zone.

In Boise, Idaho, the time changes to Daylight Saving Time on the second Sunday in March, and returns to Standard Time on the first Sunday in November.

It is important to note that not all states in the Pacific Time Zone follow Daylight Saving Time. For example, Arizona does not follow Daylight Saving Time, so the time in Arizona is always seven hours behind UTC.

If you are traveling to Boise, Idaho, it is important to be aware of the time difference. You can use’s Time Zone Converter to check the current time in Boise, Idaho.

In conclusion, Boise, Idaho is located in the Pacific Time Zone, and follows Daylight Saving Time from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.

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